Ghost Box (2018)
Ghost Box - STEVE PARKER The Ghost Box is a playable sound sculpture modeled after a WWII era short wave radio. It was created by artist and musician Steve Parker, who was inspired by [...]
Ghost Box - STEVE PARKER The Ghost Box is a playable sound sculpture modeled after a WWII era short wave radio. It was created by artist and musician Steve Parker, who was inspired by [...]
Suzanne Ciani and the Pinball Machine ` Suzanne Ciani is a pioneer of electronic music and sound design. In the early 1980s, she was commissioned to create the soundtrack for a pinball machine [...]
The Ambient Machine The Ambient Machine is a device designed by Yuri Suzuki that allows you to create your own atmosphere by playing different ambient sounds. The device has 32 toggle switches on its [...]
The Original Noise Artist: Hear the Strange Experimental Sounds & Instruments of Italian Futurist, Luigi Russolo (1913) The Art of Noises (PDF) The Art of Noises was a radical document that challenged the [...]